&ot Information Gift: March 2006 Archives

March 16, 2006

Flash on MacIntel II

Adobe - Macromedia's posted a new preview release of a Flash Player Universal Binary for Intel-based Macs (v8.0.27.0 native, v8.0.24.0 PPC/Rosetta).

According to the technote Troubleshooting Macromedia Flash Player for Intel-based Macs, the new version fixes the crashing Firefox bug; presumably it also includes the security fixes pushed out this week for fully supported platforms.

In FAQ: Flash® Player Support for Intel®-based Mac computers (warning: 104K pdf of partially redundant info that really should have been plain html), Adobe states that the official release for the MacIntel platform will be Flash Player 8.5 and will ship after the Windows and PPC versions have been released.

Known issues from the technote include:

  • Sound playback of audio captured from Microphone is garbled. (160350)
  • Camera input only uses the default iSight camera. (160658)
  • Users with the preview release plug-in installed may participate in live Breeze Meetings. However, the Breeze Add-in is not yet available for Intel-based Macs, so users will have limited functionality in Presenter Mode. Users who want to present in a Breeze Meeting should use Firefox or Safari in Rosetta mode.
  • The Flash Player preview release that initially shipped on Intel-based Macs ( incorrectly reports the version as when getVersion() is called. The universal binary for the updated Flash Player 8 preview release ( includes the release version of Flash Player 8 ( for PowerPC-based Macs. The reported version will vary depending on the mode of the browser.

UPDATE: Adobe's Emily Huang is asking for MacIntel bug reports to go to the Feature Request/Bug Report Form.

Posted by Lewis Francis at 3:14 PM | Permalink | TrackBack (0)