August 21, 2002
Netscape 4.8 released
Netscape/AOL quietly released Netscape 4.8 more or less on August 21, 2002. I say more or less because as far as I can tell there have been no release announcements and nothing regarding what has changed in this version, and on top of that the release notes url has been playing hide and seek (now you see it, now you don't) over the last week or so.
Speculative guesses at security fixes are so far unsubstantiated but sound reasonable enough. More scuttlebutt has it that a big Netscape client is funding continued patching and allows Netscape to distribute the patched versions of this five year old browser. An enlightened view, if true. Nonetheless, I hope none of you are actually still using this product. If you are, please stop.
PC version comes bundled with:
-Real One player
-Flash 6.0r29
-Beatnik (full version!)
Mac version comes bundled with:
-Flash 6.0r29
-Beatnik (full version!)
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