November 28, 2002
asdg2@December 19
Colin moock announced on FlashCoders that his second edition to "ActionScript: The Definitive Guide" is finished and due to ship December 19.
Titled "ActionScript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition" and published by O'Reilly, Moock's update covers changes and new functionality introduced in Flash MX to the tune of an additional 400 pages and 250 language references!
Folks, the first edition was the widely acknowledged "Best of Breed" Flash ActionScript reference, and I keep my dog-eared copy close at hand while coding AS.
Bottom line: if you are serious about Flash ActionScript, you need to be hooked into the asdg experience.
Posted by Lewis Francis at November 28, 2002 9:53 PMThere's an article on Macromedia's Designer and Developer center on Moock's new edition of asdg; showcases excerpts from Chapter 10: "Events and Event Handling" and links to a pdf version of the entire chaptor.
O'Reilly's site provides the Forward, Preface, and Chapter 13: "Movie Clips" in pdf format as well.
Posted by: Lewis Francis at December 5, 2002 12:20 AMListed below are links to weblogs that reference 'asdg2@December 19' from Information Gift.