January 10, 2004
I Against I
I've been meaning to post a note about a promotion run by 1 and 1 Internet Inc., a French HSP hoping to enter the US market in a big way by offering a well-provisioned hosting package free for three years (normally $29/month) if ordered before January 21st!
This promotional package provides 500MB of storage on a Linux server with 5GB of bandwidth, SSH access, 50 POP3 and webmail accounts, 5 FTP accounts, 50 subdomains, access to prebuilt cgi apps like chat, forum and newsletter functionality along with your own Perl/Python, PHP3/4, MySQL implementations. Also available for free download or paid shipping by CD-ROM are Win applications like NetObjects Fusion 7, Wise-FTP 3.0, the Hello Engines SEO tool and many others useful looking tools and utilities.
Note that support for the promotional package is provided by email only, so while you might not want to move mission critical applications or sites here, this promotion could be a good fit for small organizations, personal or promotional sites.
Tip of the hat to Seth Grimes for this one.
Posted by Lewis Francis at January 10, 2004 2:29 PMDaniel Kessler passed along links to more discussion and a step-by-step review of the setup process by Colin Wong.
Posted by: Lewis Francis at January 16, 2004 10:42 AMhttp://informationgift.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/28
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