March 27, 2004

Shockwave X

Macromedia released Shockwave 10 last week, allowing web playback for content created in the recently released Director MX 2004. New features include support for Flash 7 content, improved performance of Flash assets, Windows Media (PC-only), Real Media (Mac/PC) playback and even DVD video (with content provided from a local DVD drive). At around a 50% penetration rate for 3D-enabled versions of Shockwave (SW8.5+) Shockwave for Director remains the best choice for 3D-based content and for sophisticated online interactive experiences not possible in other plug-ins.

However, there are some issues to be aware of...

Hardware accelerated 3D content continues to be offset in Safari, as well as other Cocoa-based OS X browsers such as Omniweb and Camino. This is a known bug that, according to Macromedia, lies with OS X's OpenGL code and thus needs to be addressed by Apple. Software rendering mode displays fine.

There are also some streaming audio and embedded QT/QTVR rendering issues in Mozilla/Netscape browsers to be aware of.

Not sure which version of Shockwave you have? This test page at will report on the presence and versions of both Shockwave and Flash Players.

As Macromedia's tech notes on the Xtras bundled with Shockwave Player have yet to be updated, I've documented them below. For the more information on what each xtra is responsible for, consult the Director TechNote: Director Xtras Functionality (also not updated as of this writing).

Macromedia continues to offer different Shockwave install types for Win IE, Netscape, and OS X users. These installers provide varying sets of xtras; some install types trade a shorter download time for deferred functionality and must download the missing xtra when content requiring that xtra is encounted in a Shockwave movie. As these are Macromedia created or authenticated xtras, they should not trigger the install dialogs required for third party xtras and so should download and install more transparently. Below is a list of the xtras installed with each install type across platforms—note that the Havok xtra, used for physics modeling in Shockwave 3D, continues to be missing in the standard Win IE ActiveX install:

Windows ActiveX install
--runmode & version: Plugin 10.0 net (Bld: 210)

--Installed Xtras(20)
Windows Media Asset.x32: 10.0
TextXtra.x32: 10.0
Text Asset.x32: 10.0
Swastrm.x32: 10.0
Swadcmpr.x32: 10.0
Speech.x32: 10.0
Sound Control.x32: 10.0
Shockwave Updater.x32: 10.0
Shockwave 3d Asset.x32: 10.0
Netlingo.x32: 10.0
Netfile.x32: 10.0
Multiusr.x32: 8.5.1
MacroMix.x32: 10.0
INetURL.x32: 10.0
Font Xtra.x32: 10.0
Font Asset.x32: 10.0
Flash Asset.x32: 10.0
DVD Asset.x32: 10.0
DirectSound.x32: 10.0
CBrowser.x32: 10.0

Windows Netscape install
--runmode & version: Plugin 10.0 net (Bld: 210) PC

--Installed Xtras(24)
Windows Media Asset.x32: 10.0
TextXtra.x32: 10.0
Text Asset.x32: 10.0
Swastrm.x32: 10.0
Swadcmpr.x32: 10.0
Speech.x32: 10.0
Sound Control.x32: 10.0
Shockwave Updater.x32: 10.0
Shockwave 3d Asset.x32: 10.0
RealMedia Asset.x32: 10.0
QT6Asset.x32: 10.0
Netlingo.x32: 10.0
Netfile.x32: 10.0
Multiusr.x32: 8.5.1
MacroMix.x32: 10.0
INetURL.x32: 10.0
Havok.x32: 1.2
Font Xtra.x32: 10.0
Font Asset.x32: 10.0
Flash Asset.x32: 10.0
DVD Asset.x32: 10.0
DirectSound.x32: 10.0
CBrowser.x32: 10.0
Animated GIF Asset.x32: 10.0

Mac OS X install
--runmode & version: Plugin 10.0 net (Bld: 210) Mac

--Installed Xtras(32)
XmlParser PPC Xtra: 10.0
Tiff Import Export: 10.0
TextXtra PPC: 10.0
TextAsset PPC: 10.0
Targa Import Export: 10.0
SWA Streaming PPC Xtra: 10.0
SWA Import Export: 10.0
SWA Decompression PPC Xtra: 10.0
Sun AU Import Export: 10.0
Speech: 10.0
Sound Import Export: 10.0
Sound Control: 10.0
Shockwave 3D Asset Xtra: 10.0
RealMedia Asset: 10.0
QuickTime6 Asset: 10.0
PNG Import Export: 10.0
NetLingo PPC Xtra: 10.0
NetFile PPC Xtra: 10.0
Multiusr: 10.0
MPEG 3 Import Export: 10.0
Mix Services: 10.0
LRG Import Export: 10.0
InetUrl PPC Xtra: 10.0
Havok: 1.2
Font Xtra PPC: 10.0
Font Asset PPC: 10.0
Flash Asset PPC: 10.0
DVD Asset: 10.0
CBrowser PPC Xtra: 10.0
Animated GIF Asset: 10.0
QuickTime Asset: 8.5.1
SecureNet Xtra.XTR: 1.3

Mac OS 9 install
--runmode & version: Plugin 10.0 net (Bld: 210) Mac

--Installed Xtras(22)
XmlParser PPC Xtra: 10.0
TextXtra PPC: 10.0
TextAsset PPC: 10.0
SWA Streaming PPC Xtra: 10.0
SWA Decompression PPC Xtra: 10.0
Speech: 10.0
Sound Control: 10.0
Shockwave Updater: 10.0
Shockwave 3D Asset Xtra: 10.0
RealMedia Asset: 10.0
QuickTime6 Asset: 10.0
NetLingo PPC Xtra: 10.0
NetFile PPC Xtra: 10.0
Multiusr: 10.0
Mix Services: 10.0
InetUrl PPC Xtra: 10.0
Havok: 1.2
Font Xtra PPC: 10.0
Font Asset PPC: 10.0
Flash Asset PPC: 10.0
CBrowser PPC Xtra: 10.0
Animated GIF Asset: 10.0

Posted by Lewis Francis at March 27, 2004 5:52 PM

I've struck out the reference to Shockwave 10 no longer presenting redirects to until I've had time to research this further. Certain browsers do seem to redirect—it's possible that prior installs of Shockwave (which coexist under SW 10 in order to support existng Shockwave Projectors) and possibly pop-up blockers may have a roll in my misinterpreting test results...more to come.

Posted by: Lewis Francis at March 29, 2004 10:33 PM
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