December 4, 2002

Flash 6 Player Final GMC

Last call for the Flash 6 Player beta, released today as a Final GMC. Lots of fixes, especially in the Linux Players. Looks very close to being ready to go; the release notes page provides a bug-posting deadline of 5pm PST on Friday of this week (12/6/02) for beta contest eligibility.

If you have Flash content, this week is your last chance to report problems—once a release is out the door, it can't be recalled, leaving you and your clients having to live with behaviors that might have been flagged and fixable with just a little effort.

Time spent looking for problems in the beta is usually easier and cheaper than time spent creating workarounds for the release version.

New as of 11.20 and updated today are Player Updaters:

"This is a new installer designed for Flash MX developers which installs all the Windows and Macintosh web player installers (both release and debug versions), standalone players (both release and debug versions), and the external Test Movie player into your Flash MX installation folder. This installer also installs the ActiveX control and/or plugin into your browser(s). Please test this installation as well as the players it installs."
Those of us who have the Flash MX development application and are between projects will save time by using this installer, just remember to back up your players beforehand in case you suddenly get work. ;)

As your Flash projectors will be using a beta runtime engine after installing this update, make yourself a reminder to download and install the final, released Player Updater when it arrives.

Posted by Lewis Francis at December 4, 2002 11:32 PM

And what's happening on the security vulnerability found in Macromedia Flash player ?

Posted by: buscadores at March 16, 2003 7:52 AM

There's a new version of Flash that addresses this security issue.

Posted by: Lewis Francis at March 16, 2003 11:58 AM
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